Friday, 29 July 2016

MASTERS SHOW 5th to 10th AUG

It always takes longer than you expect! The double sided tape couldn't cope with the 35 degrees of heat and there was a line missing from the booklet. But the Show is up!!
All problems sorted and I hope that when I go on Monday to do a final ironing session and wash the scarves that everything is in place. My Show space is much better than I had initially envisioned and that's largely due to the experience of Fine Art tutors who 'do not display as much stuff as textiles'! So I have a larger area and that means that you can appreciate the individual pieces also with the help of our wonderful ladies in the Textile office displaying the pieces has been more successful. How I envied George whose work was on vinyl and upholstered sofa and chair when 2 men just spent an hour 'papering' the walls and the floor space lifted the furniture into place and that was it!! Her work is at the other end of the textile spectrum (if there is one) to mine and I think we respect each others professionalism!
The outcome of the Show may determine my enthusiasm to set up links for talks, demonstrations etc! Also the lack of response (which I think is rude!!!) from Elvedon, the Dean and the Heritage Officer has dampened my enthusiasm.

So watch this space but for now a Show I am proud of!!



Monday, 18 July 2016


I still am in awe of Indigo dye vats. Sometime ago I bought a water heater to make up a new dye bath with woad pigment from Ian Howard at Woad Inc. The recipe I follow is from Ian ie 9.5 litres of water. Washing Soda dissolved in 1/2 litre of water. 10gms of pigment in with the Soda and added to the heated water. 10gms of Hydros added and mixed gently. I actually know it off by heart but the actual chemistry of indigo takes a lot of understanding. The Hydrosulphate releases the pigment so that it will lay onto the fibre but when you take the fibre out of the dye bath it is the oxygen in the air which changes the green colour of the dye bath to the blue of indigo. I wanted to dye one of my final pieces, some scarves and a dress for my daughter so needed more volume. Would adding another 9.5 litres of cold water affect the dye bath well there was only one way to find out! Yes it worked. I am so pleased with the results as well.
To the glory and diversity of indigo. Women in Afghanistan

And one of my efforts using wax resist.
And when I went on one of Ian Howards workshops. I learn something new every time

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Almost there!!

A week away to write the Critical Evaluation and a family wedding followed by college reunion was a good break away from dye pots!!
The CE was interesting and gave me the space to look back at the ways this project has developed changed and ended in a place that I feel comfortable. The booklet and working in collaboration with George has been so worthwhile. The end product isn't perfect but is a useful tool for future plans to present my work to various audiences. It will be difficult to make it pay for itself in sales but I need to consider it as a loss leader which, if successful could lead to profit.
                                           COVER DESIGN  for COLOUR NATURALLY
So I have 4 large pieces all needing something small like stitching to complete and I am pleased with the outcomes after all these weeks. I feel that I was able to make decisions with the knowledge I have built over the last 2 years. The final 4 are all different and I think that shows a broad understanding not only of the dyeing process but also eco print with iron wax resist and the colour potential.


I am pleased with the colours here and this shows the development from design to resist to final outcome.